Marine Logistics


About us

About Kascel LLC


Kascel LLC is a membership owned by Scott Joyce and Edward Darling.  We are a mulitfaceted company but we specialize in Custom launch service, Crew Transfers, Resupply Runs to Tugs and Ships, Large Marine Fender distribution and installation, maintance support and the list goes on.   Fully set up to support government contracts.

Listed with Dunn and Bradstreet

"Aimee Marie", our steel hulled 45' Gladding - Hearn launch can take up to 6 passengers to your worksite, assist in marine maintenance or carry cargo to your destination.

Our 40' Crew Boat "Sweet P" can do 40 Knots to get you out to your job fast.

Our 33' launch "K3"  has a Single Cummins Turbo Diesel so she is fuel efficient and with her Tunnel Drive she has a shallow draft.  

Professional team

Scott Joyce

Marine Professional, 100 Ton Master Captain, Towing Mate, Certified Diver

Tug boat captain, tradesman with an extensive background.

Edward Darling

Marine Professional, 100 Ton Master Captain, Tug Boat Captain, Vessel assist towing license, Certified Diver, Sailing Instructor, former owner of a very high quality customer driven business.